Unification in physics concerns the four laws of strong and weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity. For centuries they been looking for the answer but can’t manage to explain every force with one and the same reason. How do you unify gravity with magnetism? Impossible!
This is a thing of no longer ‘seeing the forest for the trees’. You are in the forest and all you see is trees and think that’s the whole world. Because science only sees the matter, it doesn’t see the outside borders. Go stand outside the forest, go stand outside the matter. You get unification if you take all matter together and place it in difference with the field around. The difference between solid matter and this ‘empty’ field, is a direct polarity which causes gigantic tension. The entire mass of matter stands in full difference with the field around. Unification lays directly on the surface, matter stands in difference with the ‘vacuum’ en this difference itself causes the tension. Making the cosmos one big polarity between matter and the void and this explains the enormous pressure and unifies physics. Now you can explain the four different forces with one and the same thing. Starting with strong nuclear force.
Because what gigantic strong force pushes the first fundamental particles against each other? It aren’t made up ‘gluons’ that ‘glue’ the particles together, there are no particles that are pushing or pulling. No, it’s the fact that particles stand out in total difference with the field around. Their whole mass stands in total difference with the ‘vacuum’, this causes such a gigantic tension, that the particles shoot around like madness. Until they start to lean against another particle with the same problem, now they’ve found balance. Leaning against each other, they no longer stand alone in complete difference with the field around. Three of them leaning against each other form a proton or a neutron.
Three quarks leaning against each other, two up and one down, or two down and one up.
The protons and neutrons also lean against each other, which form bigger and bigger atoms. So it’s not a mysterious force, strong nuclear force. It is really simple, the particles stand in total difference with the environment which causes gigantic pressure and that’s why they lean against each other for stability.
Weak nuclear force, the decay of atoms also happens because of the pressure matter is under, because it stands with all its mass in difference with the field around as the cosmos is one big polarity. Just like an apple splits apart if you put it under enough pressure, atoms can decay also under enough pressure. Pressure caused by the fact that matter stands in difference with the field around.
Electricity and magnetism are caused by the fact that matter stands under so much pressure, that the particles can’t even stand in their own center. Because they sit in total difference with the field around, the pressure is that huge, that the particles wind up standing in a split position. Either down or up.
If it stands down, then it tries to get back up en pulls everything, a negative tension.
If it stands up, then it tries to get back down and pushes everything, a positive tension.
The magnetic waves show that matter used to be immaterial, but have been compressed into solid matter. The magnetic waves are traces of how matter stands under pressure down its own center, there where the difference between matter and the field around comes together. So again the force is caused by the polarity between matter and the field around.
Gravity, why are smaller objects being pulled towards bigger objects?
How can things fall on the ground, when there is only empty air in between? Again this is caused because both objects stand in total difference, thus under total tension with the field around. A bigger object takes this tension away from a smaller object that comes near, it overlaps the difference. You need three things for gravity, two different sized objects and a field both these objects stand in difference with. The smaller object will fall into the bigger one because the bigger covers the smaller one its difference with the field around. It’s not objects attracting each other, but their difference with the field around that causes the pressure that makes smaller objects fall into bigger ones as they both stand out inside heaven.
Matter stands in polarity with the black field, this causes tension. This tension you find back in strong and weak nuclear force, in electromagnetism and in gravity. The universe is one big polarity of being and not being, matter and heaven, man and woman. This polarity unifies the four physic laws but it also explains everything else, see Unification Complete.
- Unification of the four physical laws is achieved when you place all matter in difference from the field around. The entire mass of matter stands in total difference with the sky and this causes tension. What the sky consists of isn’t needed to know, because you can fill in anything you want, the fact matter stands in difference with it is enough for the understanding of unification
- Science couldn’t find unification because it was too obvious and they placed too much emotional weight on it